Thursday, May 27, 2021

Book Review


I was learning about the new zealand bird's book.

I found it easy to read the book and find my answer i was looking for.

I found it hard to not rush and just slow down next time

I really enjoyed how people show there love for birds.

Next time I will not rush and take my time

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Lava Lamp

 durning science few days ago  , oil stays above the water because the oil is lighter than the water or, more specifically, less dense than water. The oil and water do not mix because of something called “intermolecular polarity.” Molecular polarity basically means that water molecules are attracted to other water molecules. They get along fine, and can loosely bond together (drops.) This is similar to magnets that are attracted to each other. Oil molecules are attracted to other oil molecules, they get along fine as well. But the structures of the two molecules do not allow them to bond together.

When you added the tablet piece, it sank to the bottom and started dissolving and creating a gas. As the gas bubbles rose, they took some of the colored water with them. When the blob of water reached the top, the gas escaped and down went the water.

i was learning about making a lava lamp and working with my buddy

i found it easy to working with my buddy and also crate my lava lamp

i found it hard to write my fact's in book that i learn about

i really enjoyed how buddy's help when i was stuck.

next i will time my group will decide on different colour

Bath BomB

  during science times last week , bomb comes in contact with water, the baking soda and citric acid react to make carbon dioxide bubbles. This is an acid–base reaction, where baking soda (also called sodium bicarbonate) is a weak base and citric acid is a weak acid.

i was learning about making a bath bomb and also the bath bomb fizz and make bubbles

i found it easy to found really fun and awesome.

i found it hard to making it fizz and mix the H20 water with cabindocside

i really enjoyed making bath and watching it mix with H20 water and also mix it cabindocside

next time will crate my bath with different color

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Tyran & Eraia emergency kit

i was learning about making a poster on earthquake.
i found it easy to working with my buddy and explain with my buddy  
i found it hard polylining my imagine from   
i really enjoyed to work with my buddy learn new things about him.
next i will quality stems and 

Friday, May 14, 2021

book Review

i was learning about the night house shook and also earthquake's, 
I found it hard to  post on  my blog post in quality stems  and also  with no mistike and challenging  hard words.
i found to easy  to my follow up 
i really enjoyed to learn about earthquake's 
next time i  will  use quality words and i will not rush next time .